Barry Island opened its gates to campers in 1966, the smallest of the Butlin’s Camps, being built on the headland at Nell's Point. It is believed that Billy Butlin got the idea for his holiday empire here during a rather grim holiday to the resort in his youth. In those days you were likely to find your accommodation was a spare room in a family home, at busy times the home owner would be letting out there own room to make a few extra bob. With strict rules in force by landlady’s. Rain or shine after breakfast you were out the door and not encouraged to return till tea time.
The camp contained all the usual Butlin’s activities, chairlifts, Pig and Whistle Showbar, arcades of shops etc.
The Camp ran successfully until 1986's, when Butlin’s put the camp up for sale. Finally bought by Majestic Holidays Inc, who re-opened the site as 'The Barry Island Resort'. The site was run the same way that Butlin’s had, but due to peoples expectations and lack of maintenance the resort was not meeting people’s standards. The councils refusing to renew the entertainment licence was the final nail in the camps coffin. As a result, the camp closed in 1996. By 2005 permission had been given to construct a housing estate on the headland, much to local people’s opposition.